
it's my blog birthday!

Today, my blog is one year old!

(And yes, I made a paper birthday crown to celebrate.)

One year ago today, I posted my first recipe:

A lot has happened since that first post!

Bakerella added my football cake pops to her Pop Stars gallery.
(and they've become my most popular post... ever!)

And just last week, Gourmet Live, the blog for Conde Nast's Gourmet Magazine

I got married, and thanks to my wonderful family and friends, 
my kitchen became 127351725 times more awesome.

I've been through several site re-designs and added a ton of features like
post categories, a search box, email subscriptions, a mobile template for 
viewing on your supercool smartphone, and some "about me" type pages. 
(I'd love to hear your ideas for other improvements though!)

I also started a foodgawker account and a twitter account 
and created a Facebook page to stay more connected to my readers.

Because really, I owe all of this to YOU, my readers! 
Thank you so much for following the blog, and for your comments 
and encouragement. I never imagined that a few images and recipes
could have such a huge impact on my life.

I truly love sharing my photos, food, and life with you all, 
and look forward to the next year of deliciousness!



  1. LOVE the hat! you. are. ADORABLE.

  2. "A few images and recipes"? Your blog is way more than that, girl! Thank YOU for a wonderful year of gorgeous photography and delicious treats :)

  3. Yay, happy 1 year blog birthday! :) Your pictures and recipes are soooo great, keep it up!

  4. thanks everyone! my readers are the best :)
